"My name is Caris Wright. I am an undergraduate theology and psychology student at Andrews University. I have always been interested in ministry and serving God and others. At the age of 12, I saw and felt a lot of hurt and hopelessness in my life and the world around me, so I created a page/ group called Corma Youth to spread Hope, Love, Peace and Healing in and through God. This page was made for all people, not to satisfy all but built on God, delivering a message of Hope to all. I ministered through this page by sharing poems, stories, songs, devotional, short messages and scriptures, by hosting events and promoting activities that assist in spiritual growth. I have also worked as a sabbath school leader for the early teens sabbath school at Sligo SDA Church. I have also ministered in the church through singing, Spoken Word and preaching, helping out with propresenter (slide), screening and conducting the cameras (in many churches including Sligo SDA church, Born Again SDA Church, First Missouri City SDA Church, Baytown SDA Church, New Life SDA Church, and Highland SDA Church). I have assisted in a baptism and prayed over the services and participants in Highland SDA. More recently (2021), I have been called to pastoral ministry and would like to serve within and outside of the church with youths to give youth Jesus in a way they could fully understand, and apply to their lives, saving lives for Christ, who will also have a spirit of service to God and commitment to Christ. I also enjoy preaching, working with cameras, art, and creativity."