What is the Highland Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church?


Who Are We?

Welcome to Highland Ave SDA Church

Denry O. White, Lead Pastor

Denry White is the Lead Pastor of the amazing Highland Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church. He has a baccalaureate degree from Oakwood University and a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University. He is honored to be the husband of Carla Smart-White and the father of three delightful children.

Pastor White’s greatest desire is summarily expressed via John’s declaration of God’s greatest desire is found in Revelation 21:3, I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them.

“I hope you accept the invitation to the Great Family Reunion”

@denrytheovercomer leadpastor@havchurch.com

LaShawne Suggs, Elder, Worship Coordinator

Blessings to you beloved of the most high. I am LaShawne, Worship Coordinator here at Highland Avenue SDA Church. I believe all worship belongs to God and to God alone, for He alone is worthy. 

As God’s humble servant, I am commissioned to help provide a worship experience that not only glorifies God but also lends itself to providing connections that allows each person to have a personal experience with God. Through these experiences it is my prayer that each one will be drawn even closer to Him than they were the week before. It is my hope and prayer that when you choose Highland as your place for Sabbath worship, you will leave with hope because of what you have learned. 

God knows. God cares. God sees. God is there. He wants what is best for you. He will provide because He is concerned about you.

Make this Sabbath the day you choose to join us in worship. I hope to see you there. Blessings!


“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!”

Psalm 150:6 

Pastoral Team

Dr. Willie Hucks, Head Elder

Willie Edward Hucks II has served the Seventh-day Adventist Church in various capacities since 1985. He spent the first 14 years of ministry pastoring congregations in Texas and Louisiana. In 1999, he accepted a call to serve as a professor of religion at Southwestern Adventist University, where he remained for seven years. In 2006, he began serving as associate editor of Ministry, International Journal for Pastors, headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland; and in 2010, he also assumed responsibilities serving as an associate ministerial secretary for the GC Ministerial Association, focusing on theological education and ministerial preparation.

In 2016, Dr. Hucks accepted a call to serve as associate professor of Pastoral Theology and Homiletics at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, and in January 2018 he was appointed Chair of what is now known as the Department of Practical and Applied Theology in addition to his teaching responsibilities.

His greatest joy, however, comes from calling the former Kathleen Alexander his wife since 1987; and they are the proud parents of two adult children.


Donald Bedney II, Pastor of Discipleship/Sabbath School Superintendent

Donald L. Bedney II is a native of Southern California and was raised in a loving Christian home. God’s calling has led him to serve as an elementary and secondary school teacher, a pastor, a departmental director in the areas of Stewardship, Trust Services, and Religious Liberty, and most recently as a local Conference Executive Secretary and Director of Human Resources.

Elynda serves as the Assistant Vice President for Student Financial Services at Andrews. The Bedney’s are blessed with two adult sons, Donald III and Daniel, two lovely daughters-in-law, Taidine and Lauren and two grandchildren, Sofia and Aiden.

For recreation and relaxation, Don enjoys writing, public speaking, singing and listening to music, walking, reading, golf and traveling with family and friends.

Caris Wright, Youth and Young Adults Ministry Pastor


"My name is Caris Wright. I am an undergraduate theology and psychology student at Andrews University. I have always been interested in ministry and serving God and others. At the age of 12, I saw and felt a lot of hurt and hopelessness in my life and the world around me, so I created a page/ group called Corma Youth to spread Hope, Love, Peace and Healing in and through God. This page was made for all people, not to satisfy all but built on God, delivering a message of Hope to all. I ministered through this page by sharing poems, stories, songs, devotional, short messages and scriptures, by hosting events and promoting activities that assist in spiritual growth. I have also worked as a sabbath school leader for the early teens sabbath school at Sligo SDA Church. I have also ministered in the church through singing, Spoken Word and preaching, helping out with propresenter (slide), screening and conducting the cameras (in many churches including Sligo SDA church, Born Again SDA Church, First Missouri City SDA Church, Baytown SDA Church, New Life SDA Church, and Highland SDA Church). I have assisted in a baptism and prayed over the services and participants in Highland SDA. More recently (2021), I have been called to pastoral ministry and would like to serve within and outside of the church with youths to give youth Jesus in a way they could fully understand, and apply to their lives, saving lives for Christ, who will also have a spirit of service to God and commitment to Christ. I also enjoy preaching, working with cameras, art, and creativity."

What People Are Saying


Cozy and welcoming experience.

— Erin J.

A place for worship with people from different walks of life, gathered together in the presence of the Lord every Sabbath.

— Jarvus W.


Highland is truly the church that C.A.R.E.S. It's a place where you can become healthier inside and out. There’s always a hug and words of encouragement awaiting you. Highland is home.

— Kibra W.

Haven't been able to find another home like it.

— Tanesha W.